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Matt Hudson


Class of 1968

Ken McClure
Julie Aton Leeth

Class of 1970

Class of 1996

Springfield City Council and Springfield Mayor Pro-Tem 

A Magna Cum Laude 1972 graduate of Missouri State University with a graduate degree from Mizzou, Ken was a Captain the United States Army Reserve; Budget Analyst, Missouri Senate Appropriations Committee, 1974-1976;  Staff Director, Missouri Senate Appropriations Committee, 1977-1981; Deputy Director, Missouri Department of Economic Development, 1981-1990; Commissioner and Chairman, Missouri Public Service Commission, 1990-1997; Associate General Manager, City Utilities of Springfield, 1997-2005; Chief of Staff and Transition Director, Missouri Governor Matt Blunt, 2004-2006; Associate Vice President, Missouri State University, 2006-2008; and Vice President, Missouri State University, 2008-2015. 

"Our family has very strong ties to Parkview. My brother Richard and sister Carolyn are both graduates. 
Our Mother, Dorothy McClure, taught in the Business Department at Parkview for 27 years. This is an opportunity to show our gratitude and appreciation and celebrate the rich heritage of Parkview."

Ken's favorite memories of Parkview are when the Parkview Band was designated at the Official Band of the State of Missouri to represent the state at the 1964 New York World's Fair; and the Parkview Orchestra performed at the United States Pavilion in Montreal at Expo '67. His other favorite memory is the excellence of Dan Palen as band/orchestra director. 

Matt is a graduate of Parkview, Class of 1996 and PHS Assistant Principal from 2005-2013. He is also a former teacher at Hillcrest High School. After Parkview, Matt worked at SPS Central Office and is currently Dean of Technical Education at OTC.


"I am passionate about Parkview, its place in our community, and the great people who are students, staff, and fellow alumni. I helped with the 40th, chaired the events of the 50th, and am now back for the 60th!


"My favorite thing about Parkview is how much it is like a family. Nearly everywhere I go, people I’m talking to or doing business with have the Parkview connection, which I think is very special. And, I am amazed by those who have long been gone from Parkview, are always the first to give back when you ask them."


Matt is chairperson of the 60th anniversary committee.

Dr. Leeth was an SPS teacher and Administrator for 30 years, including serving as principal at Glendale and Hillcrest High Schools.  "After 'retirement' 12 years ago, I have been employed at the Community Foundation of the Ozarks and am the Executive Vice President."


When asked why she is involved in planning the 60th anniversary, she replied, "I can’t say no to Matt Hudson!!!! And I do love PHS." Her favorite memory of Parkview is "When I forged Betty Lee Dunham’s signature on permits to leave school for the senior class!"


Julie is a member of the 60th anniversary committee.

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